Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Moms Give Themselves a Gold Star for Nutrition

A lot of research shows that a mother's eating habits and attitude towards food has a big impact on children's food behavior as they grow. Mom's nutritional knowledge dictates what her child eats, so when she eats well, so do they.

A new report shows, however, that while healthy eating may be at the forefront of a lot of moms' minds, attitudes and intentions don't always align with what moms are actually eating and serving.

According to a report by the NPD, a marketing research group, while 75 percent of new moms and 65 percent of "experienced" mom say they actively seek out products with nutritional benefits, they are less likely to actually eat these foods.

And when it came to nutritional knowledge, most moms claimed to be "very of extremely knowledgeable" about nutrition and eating, but when asked to take a test, few actually scored in that category.

Since I haven't had kids yet, I don't know whether doctors give new (or experienced) mothers any info about nutrition for children or turns them on to easy-to-understand resources where they can learn about it, but I think that could be a big help.

Read more here.

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