For some reason, it's hard to get good Indian food in Manhattan, so Chris and I finally got around to heeding the advice of those in the know and headed out to Jackson Heights for lunch today.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Delhi Heights
For some reason, it's hard to get good Indian food in Manhattan, so Chris and I finally got around to heeding the advice of those in the know and headed out to Jackson Heights for lunch today.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Vitamin B-12 Deficiency
Friday, February 26, 2010
Alex's Chili
It would have been nice if my school had cancelled classes before I woke up for lab, but oh well. At least now I can get some backlogged work done and maybe take a nap later. This week has been a little too busy, and I used up all my cooking-as-procrastination points yesterday, so I have no excuse not to cross a few things off the to-do list. Oh well, at least I have some kick-ass chili and cornbread to look forward to.
After receiving an email from my friend Alex about this amazing-sounding chili the other night, I just had to try making some myself. It sounded much livelier than the sweet potato and black bean chili I'd been planning on making. Unfortunately, my beloved sketchy markets were out of a lot of things, so I had to make a few adjustments.
My make-do interpretation:
¼ cup olive oil
1 large onion
4 cloves garlic
2 jalepeno peppers
1 red pepper and 1 orange pepper
1 can each black beans, kidney beans, pink beans (low sodium)
1 32-oz can crushed tomatoes
2 tbsp blackstrap molasses
¾ boullion cube dissolved in ¾ cup boiling water
1 cup leftover tomato sauce
a few sprigs of thyme
cumin, chili powder, salt, pepper to taste
Chop the onion, garlic and peppers (including jalepeno) either by hand or in a food processor. Sautee for a few minutes.
Add the beans, tomatoes, boullion, crushed tomato, tomato sauce, molasses, and spices. Bring to a boil and then turn heat down and cover.
Simmer for an hour or so.
Chris got in on the act and whipped up some cornbread, which we threw in the bowl and poured the chili over. There was also some cheddar cheese involved. It was the perfect thing on a miserable day...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Meatless Mondays to Come to New York City Schools?
- Require Food Curriculum in Public Schools
- Expose City Students to Farms and Gardens
- Institute Meatless Mondays in City Schools
Monday, February 22, 2010
Wal-Mart holding its own against Whole Foods?
IN AN IDEAL WORLD, people would buy their food directly from the people who grew or caught it, or grow and catch it themselves. But most people can’t do that. If there were a Walmart closer to where I live, I would probably shop there.
Most important, the vast majority of Walmarts carry a large range of affordable fresh fruits and vegetables. And Walmarts serve many “food deserts,” in large cities and rural areas—ironically including farm areas. I’m not sure I’m convinced that the world’s largest retailer is set on rebuilding local economies it had a hand in destroying, if not literally, then in effect. But I’m convinced that if it wants to, a ruthlessly well-run mechanism can bring fruits and vegetables back to land where they once flourished, and deliver them to the people who need them most.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Aspartame, by any other name...
Friday, February 19, 2010
Healthy Cocktails?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
In Honor of Fashion Week
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
New Blog
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Weight Loss Surgery for Teens
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Love!
Every February, we get to read new versions of the same old article about aphrodisiac foods. This year’s Love Drugs parade did not disappoint. I think that by far, my favorite article was Vegetarian Times’ “Feast of Love,” which pictured a group of four enjoying a romantic dinner of Roasted Vegetable Linguine with Fresh Torn Basil, Feta-Stuffed Peppadews, Pineapple-Fennel Salad with Ginger-Sesame Dressing, Crispy Kale Leaves, and Chocolate-Nutmeg Pots de Crème.
The pictures are the best part. Models trying to look dewy-eyed and, yes, love-drugged, as they gesture to the serving platters and lift forks to each other’s mouths. They appear to be in a house with glass walls, as well. It’s nearing sunset. Of course.
Quite appropriately, the following article is about five different ways to prepare oats, encouraging the reader to “Rekindle your relationship with a heart-healthful favorite.” Yeah, I know they mean one’s relationship with oats, but come on—I can’t be the only one imagining the Feast of Love folks waking up on the living room floor, covered in baby oil or something and saying, “Hey, guys, let’s go make some oats! Happy love!”
While I believe that if you eat well and take care of yourself, you’re bound to have better stamina and enjoy overall, um, benefits, I don’t think there are any magic foods that can suddenly turn your average Joe into a sex machine (check out this NYTimes article on the subject). The only genuine aphrodisiac I’d associate with a meal is one’s mate offering to run you a bath so you can relax while they do the dishes.
I considered writing a parody article, complete with recipes like baked asparagus (thought to “stir up lust”) with almonds (which can evoke arousal in women) and ginger (stimulates the circulatory system so the blood flows efficiently to you know where!), and figs (a powerful female sex symbol) stuffed with tapenade, but I just couldn’t get my act together.
However, if you want to make the soft pink dessert tacos that just weren’t subtle enough, it’s very easy:
*In a bowl or food processor, blend together 1/3 cup low-fat ricotta, a handful of raspberries, a teaspoon of vanilla, and sugar to taste.
*Heat two small soft tortillas in a skillet in a little butter or put in the oven to warm up. Sprinkle brown sugar on the inside.
*Spread the ricotta-raspberry mixture down the center of each tortilla and fold over as you would a taco.
*Broil for one minute
*Garnish with dark chocolate shavings (optional)
Last year, Chris and I stayed home and cooked, and we talked about doing that again this year, but we decided to make reservations at Pure Food and Wine instead.
This morning I fueled up with what I’ll call the “Brangelina Special”: Oats with bananas cooked in, along with a little cocoa powder and then topped with cinnamon and a spoonful of almond butter. I got my B-vitamins, potassium (both good for sex hormone production), phallic symbolism, passion-inducing-nut flavor, and feel-good chemicals all in one shot.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
New Obsession
Sweet potatoes with goat cheese—who knew? I was starving the other night after yoga, so in addition to my veggie burger with avocado and tomato and leftover brussel sprouts, I microwaved a sweet potato and tucked a generous amount of goat cheese in. It was absolutely delicious—makes me wonder why people bother with sour cream and butter and all that other usual stuff.
Friday, February 12, 2010
"Let's Move" Gets Moving
On the site, a release was posted detailing the plan:
Let’s Move is comprehensive, collaborative, and community-oriented and will include strategies to address the various factors that lead to childhood obesity. It will foster collaboration among the leaders in government, medicine and science, business, education, athletics, community organizations and more. And it will take into account how life is really lived in communities across the country – encouraging, supporting and pursuing solutions that are tailored to children and families facing a wide range of challenges and life circumstances.
You can read more about it here.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Garlic Soup Part 2
Here I go again with the garlic soup. Maybe it's the snow day and the illusion of more time to get my work done, but I've been cooking all kinds of things today: roasted peppers, marinara sauce, and now I've got some garlic soup simmering on the stove. Chris is on hummus duty later on, he says.
This time, I'm attempting to make a more brothy garlic soup than last time, so I omitted the cubed potato I added last time as a thickener. I'm also taking pictures this time!
Here's the revised recipe:
* 1- 2 tbsp of olive oil
* 2 heads garlic
* 1 small shallot
* 1 small sweet onion
* 1 can white cannelinni beans
* salt and white pepper to taste
* fresh thyme and/or a sprinkle of dried rosemary
* 3 cups vegetable broth
* Peel the garlic and place the cloves in a roasting pan or dish. Coat with a tsp or so of olive oil and cover. Roast for about 40 minutes at 350.
* Add remaining olive oil to soup pan and heat. When the oil starts to shimmer, add the onion and shallot. Cook for about a minute.
* Add the beans and then the vegetable broth. Bring mixture to a boil and then reduce heat to medium-low. Cover and cook about 20-30 minutes.
* When the garlic cloves are done, add them to the soup. Stir.
* Blend thoroughly with a hand mixer or blender. I used an immersion blender.
* Return to stove. Season with salt if desired, and pepper. Throw in some fresh thyme.
* Cover and cook over low for another 20 minutes or so.
Serves 2-3
Monday, February 8, 2010
How Far Should You Go To Avoid Processed Foods?
I found this post on a nutrition blog I follow particularly disconcerting because the person writing in with a question was wondering whether they were better off getting their vitamin D and calcium from supplements after finding out that soy milk is a processed food.
Fortunately, the RD who runs this blog advised that a completely "unprocessed" diet isn't exactly practical and that where the line is drawn between processed and unprocessed is somewhat arbitrary. She points to these points from Michael Pollan's Food Rules as a way of offering guidance:
1. Don't eat anything your grandmother wouldn't recognize.
2. Don't eat cereal that changes the color of your milk.
3. Eat more food that comes without packaging.
4. Look for foods with fewer than 5 ingredients in the ingredient list.
5. Avoid things made with ingredients that you don't recognize as food.
6. Eat more whole intact grains and less flour.
7. Eat most of your fruit whole and unprocessed.
8. Eat at least some of your vegetables raw every day.
PS—speaking of Michael Pollan, he was on Democracy Now today—definitely worth a listen!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Fake Meat Article
Here's a teaser:
If you’re a vegetarian, chances are dining-out is a challenge. You scan the menu for something that doesn’t involve animals or fish and those dishes tend to be few and far between. Oftentimes you’re left to decide between several side dishes and something well-intentioned like a seasonal vegetable plate or pasta that totally misses the mark. It’s unfortunate, but it’s reality. Unless of course, you head to a strictly vegetarian or raw restaurant, but those tend to be a snooze.. Which is why we eat in a lot of the time. It’s so much easier to heat up some soy chicken nuggets, cut them up to toss with a salad or even make a barbecue “riblet” sandwich (yes, you can even find vegetarian ribs), but eating out can be a different story.
To read the full article, click here.
And stay tuned for more writing-related announcements!
Probiotics—Too much of a good thing?
As of late, I find myself hooked on ginger kombucha. If you haven't tried it, you really should. It's delicious. A raw, probiotic beverage, it is thought to support (according to the label):
Immune System
Appetite Control
Weight Control
Liver Function
Body Alkalinity
Cell Integrity
Healthy Skin & Hair
The main attraction to me is that it tastes really good. Oh my goodness, it's addictive. It also doesn't suck that it's packed with B-vitamins (hard to get if you don't eat meat) as well as folic acid. It also contains organic acids and antioxidants along with 1 billion Lactobacillus Bacterium and another 1 billion S. Boulardii. That's per serving, which means that each 16-ounce bottle houses 4 billion bacterium.
These little organisms are a few types of the "good" bacteria that we need in our system, and among the casualties that result from antibiotic use.
I have a friend who swears that kombucha is her hangover cure, and I can see why. B-vitamins aid in the carbohydrate metabolizing process and dilates blood vessels. A lot of people find they restore energy and stamina, as increased blood flow allows the energy to flow through the body.
Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, this kombucha stuff is expensive! It's easy to spend three to four bucks on a 16-ounce bottle, though Chris brought one home for me last night when he went to Whole Foods, where they were on sale for $2.50.
Anyway, I just have to wonder if you can get too many probiotic bacteria from food. Supplements are a different story—I think when you're taking supplements, it easier to take too much. However, to be on the safe side, I try not to drink kombucha on a day when I drink kefir (a probiotic fermented milk drink) or eat a lot of yogurt. I've read that it's very hard to overdo it because we need billions of these bacteria, but I'm a classic hypochondriac.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Do You Need More Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is made in the body from sunlight (supposedly dietary cholesterol plays a role as well), and it also exists in fish and fortified milk. Among its "healing" properties, vitamin D is thought to help build strong bones, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the risks for conditions like diabetes and cancer.
According to a 2008 report in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, about half of adults and kids in our country are deficient.
A lot more doctors have begun to test patients' levels, and in the past year-and-a-half, and people are spending over five times on vitamin D supplements than they were several years ago. Should you join in?
It's still a little early to tell, and many doctors worry that taking too much could do more harm than good. In this New York Times article, Tara Parker-Pope details a few recent studies that show some possible benefit to making sure people get adequate levels of vitamin D. However, it's possible to do things that help you get more vitamin D, such as exercising outdoors or even just taking a walk around the block during the day. You can also drink milk. Remember when people used to drink that instead of soda?